Health and feeling good are necessary for all of us. On the one hand, it is important to know what and how to feed your body so that you can carry out yourself as well as possible in your way of life. For the body to be healthy, strong, and fit every year of life. On the other hand, body health and general well-being are not only influenced by food, but also by our thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, and values that we consider right, but that make us suffer, and, all that makes us suffer is to misfeed the body with our thoughts and emotions about ourselves, life, others. They say what you mean, that's what you get. And what you feel, that's what you get.

But how to acknowledge, heal, and remake these thoughts and feelings from the subconscious - that's the question. We often do not see the leading sub currents of our lives that cause us suffering and unwanted situations, both in the physical body and in life's events. We were sent to see intelligent solutions in our pain and patience. At this point, we would rather experience self-pity, victimhood, justifications, and a desire to prosecute ourselves or others! We cannot create solutions in this state.

Here, however, one major cleanup should be done, starting with layer by layer getting rid of what sustains your life as it is. Therapy helps you to step out of these suffering layers and immediately start living in a more harmonious place and create desirable situations and well-being with your body, life, and relationships.

Nutrition is an important part of the quality of our functioning. However, emotions, thoughts, and the subconscious have an impulse for the actions, feelings, and consequences that manifest in the body. Being a gardener of our inner world, cleaning our thoughts and emotions, we also clean our bodies.

Thoughts and feelings you use, have both a bad and a good effect, just like the food.

Nutrition is science and rich - just as in nature, every food has its energy charge or healing information. Together with the right foods, harmonious body-friendly thoughts, and feelings of the world, of ourselves, and of relationships, we can create a life of our dreams! It's not as complicated as it seems, because our arsenal has practical tools and a method that, when practiced in a systemic approach, is feasible in therapy! What's more, it becomes a part of your daily adventurous progress, development, and self-fulfillment, with unsolvable situations, getting stuck, hardships, and suffering-riddled events turning a different page from themselves and giving softer experiences.

It is precisely because one cannot separate itself from the other or because without removing the root cause, we will not achieve the sustainable desired result.  In therapy sessions, in addition to the standard diet consultation, I also use therapeutic methods that have been tuned, practiced, and achieved good results for years as a yoga therapist and psychologist.


holistic approach to your problem



I have been a psychologist and traveling therapist for more than 10 years. My therapy arsenal has been compounded by exercises of concentration habits, inner peace, clarity, silence, self-satisfaction exercises, thoughts mute, emotional-releasing practices, meditation, yoga nidra, and Sedona method practices. Dedicated kriya yoga practices have opened up a lot of insights for me and connections to human problems and keys to how to solve them. Everyone has their path to belief in taking responsibility for their own lives. Dealing with your problems from the inside is effective if you have the right tools in the form of skills. I have accumulated these skills and am happy to share those who need new relationships and solutions with their arsenal's recurring self-body, self-fulfillment, general life satisfaction, or relationship. We will be the founders of the garden of our lives!


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